I finally got down to doing another Christmas Recipe after years, as you may know we recently had another baby to welcome into our family and things have been rather hectic. But without further ado here is the Nankaties recipe for you to make, its really easy and doesn’t take too much of an effort.
Although the prep time is high its because the dough needs to be kept aside for a while.
- 125 Gms Refined Wheat Flour
- 60 Gms Clarified Butter (Ghee)
- 60 Gms Sugar
- A Hint of Colour (Pink or Blue)
- Assorted Toppings, Cherries, Dry Papaya Peels
Now that your ingredients are ready lets start making the nankaties.
Pour the ghee into a mixing bowl large enough to accommodate all the ingredients.
This needs to be done for around 10 minutes, there is no distinguishment between the blended and unblended ghee.
But once its whipped for ten minutes you can procceed to the next step which is adding the caster sugar. Caster sugar is simply powered refined sugar.
Mix the sugar well and when its completely one with the ghee you can begin adding the refined flour to the mixture.
Note that the flour is not added in one go but in parts. You add some of it then blend it.
For your convenience you can divide it into four parts and add one part at a time, blend it well and then add the other part.
Once all the maida is blended into the mixture, you can divide the dough into parts if you want to add colour to the nankaties.
We generally do a very light pink apart from the white, and also a light blue and white nankatie as well. Always try to use natural food colours or just keep them white.
Now knead the dough and let the colour mix evenly into it.
The best part about making goan sweets is since their time consuming and sometimes tedious you can get the whole family to be part of it.
Sing Christmas carols while you’re rolling up the dough to make the round balls of dough that will be baked.
Don’t forget to be patient with them and perform your quality checks now and then 🙂
Add the decorations on top of them, we used sliced cherries and green dried papaya peels. But you can use what ever you like that can be baked.
You can butter the tray you will use to bake the nankaties, or if you’re satisfied with the ghee you have added you could skip it. Honestly with the cook time being so low it ideally should not matter but I wouldn’t risk it.
Remember you don’t need top heat for the nankaties, we want them to be pearly white on the top. So first pre heat your over before putting them in and then only do the nankaties.
Temperature shouldn’t be high we want it to cook slowly, so around 150 degrees celcius should be good. Also if your oven at hand isn’t really big like ours we put one lot to bake before we rolled the next lot, saves time 🙂
Here we have the final versions of the nankaties, the ones that the kids rolled had a few cracks after breaking but the pink ones that mum did were perfect.
Go ahead and make your melt in the mouth nankaties.
Hey Clyde, your recipes are awesome. Every recipe i have tried is a hit. My fav is bebinca. We live in Canada and our goans enjoy all your recipes. Any chance you could post your recipe for Marzipan….please!!!! Thanks for all your hard work in getting those recipes to us. Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Yummy recipe and the entire process explained so well in detail. I got a bit confused when I read wheat flour but then realized its refined. You might want to edit and put it as maida?
Hi Clyde,
Really appreciate your recipes a lot.
If possible and if not irksome, kindly list ingredients for the Nankaties in mls, measuring cups.
Have a good one.
Hi Clyde. Thanks for the recipe. May i check how long the dough should be kept aside before it can be rolled into small balls ?
Hi , refined wheat flour means maida / all purpose flour ??
That’s right!