Goan Meat Curry with Vegetables

Goan Meat Curry with Vegetables

A while since a new recipe has been posted here, today I have for you a delicious Goan meat curry. You can use either Beef or Mutton, its tastier with Mutton we are preparing it with Veal.

Lets embark on another journey that will tickle your taste buds. You would need to make a masala for this curry lets take a look at the ingredients for the meat curry masala.

Goan Meat Curry Masala Ingredients:

6 – 8 Kashmiri chillies, you can knock off seeds of 2 – 3 chillies
1/2 Coconut
4 Garlic flakes
1 Tea spoon Cumin seeds
1 Table spoon Coriander seeds
1/2 Tea spoon Turmeric powder
2 Tea spoons Poppy seeds (Kus Kus)
5 – 6 Pepper Corns
1/4 Tea spoon Fenugreek seeds (Methi seeds}
Ingredients ofr Goan Meat Curry Masala
All the above ingredients have to be roasted except the garlic and ginger with 2 teaspoons oil. Then ground the roasted ingredients with 4 flakes of garlic and a small piece of ginger.
Goan Beef Curry Masala
Grind until its liquidated becoming nice and fine. Once your masala is ready you can keep it aside. You can also make the masala while the meat is boiling.

Goan Meat Curry Ingredients:

1/2 Kilo Meat
2 Onions
1 Big Tomato
2 Teas spoons salt
A dash of Vinegar

Vegetables as per Choice:

Vegetables to put in the curry
We used small portions of Ivy Gourd (Tendli), Carrots, a small Potato, French Beans, Cauliflower and Cluster Beans (Gawar)

Slice and dice the vegetables, as you can see the vegetables bellow are sliced and diced randomly as variety is the spice of life!
Sliced and Diced Ivy Gourd (Tendli), Carrots, a small Potato, French Beans, Cauliflower and Cluster Beans (Gawar)<br /><noscript><img decoding=Goan Beef Curry Procedure:

Wash and clean 1/2 kilo meat and put it to a boil along with two onions one big tomato and 1/4 inch julians of ginger.
Boil the meat with Onions and Tomato
You can add salt as per your taste, we do not use too much salt in our food, but you can put in as much as you require, the base is two tea spoons and you can add them in parts one while cooking the meat and one after mixing the masala.
Mix masala with the beef
When the meat is cooked 3/4ths add the masala and give the whole curry a boil. Add the amount of water you require for a curry, not too much or it will become too thin.
Add water to the curry from the masala container
Once you add the masala and water give the whole beef curry a boil. Test how tough the meat is and when nearly cooked add the vegetables to keep them nice and crunchy.
Add the vegetables to the meat curry
Remember once you add the vegetables to mix the curry up gently so that you avoid breaking the vegetables into pieces.

Ok so your currys nearly ready, you can add the remaining or required salt, then just a dash of vinegar to boost the taste and your meat curries ready to eat yipee!
Add a dash of vinegar and t
Thats another authentic goan recipe, keep tuned there will be one more coming up this month. Till then picture yourself lying on your favorite beach in Goa sipping on some Urrac, of course you are getting tanned in the summer sun 🙂 Viva la Goa!

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10 years ago

Hmm, vegetarian dishes ill try putting up some soon 🙂

10 years ago

Thank you Jennifer 🙂

10 years ago

Your welcome Ludiwina, glad you like them!

10 years ago

Hi Clyde,

I am such a bad cook but I love the way you make it so simple to follow….

Kindly do put some vegetarian dishes


Jennifer Kakodkar
10 years ago

excellent pictures n great recipes this is what ur site is all about .keep the good work going .thanks a million .ur recipes really r very helpful.

Ludiwina Dsouza
11 years ago

Thanks a Million for your mouth watering recipes.The presentation of the recipes are very well Projected.

11 years ago

nice to know you had a successful walnut drop experience 🙂

11 years ago

thank you edwin 🙂 Glad to know someones eating healthy… not me!

Sandra Madtha
11 years ago

I tried your walnut drops. But instead of dropping the walnut drop with a spoon. I poured the batter into the greased trays and after cooling it cut it into diamond shapes. Excellent it turns out. Thanks my children love it. Thanks a lot

Edwin Rodrigues
12 years ago

thank you Clide and your mummy for providing us this site and lovely dishes,its easy to follow…I like this mutton dish cause it is very healthy and yummy, no oil used,unlike the other mutton dishes that i have come accross.I have tried it 3 times already.Its good..:)

– Edwin Rodrigues (edwin.rodrigues@live.com ,eddy.rods_13@yahoo.com)

13 years ago

@ kus kus not available…. do without it… it will taste nice even without it… if you feel a lack of flavour perhaps tamarind or raw mango….

13 years ago

I tried this recipe a couple of days back… Wow… Everyone loved it … Thanks… another recipe to add to my collection

13 years ago

poppy seeds are illegal in Bahrain… its said that you can make opium so hence its banned in the GCC countries although im given to understand that some indian stores have it but way too expensive…. please can you provide a substitute for poppy seeds… thanks 🙂

13 years ago

poppy seeds (khus khus) is not available or is extremely expensive at some indian stores… can you please recommend a substitute or advise me ..



13 years ago


Love ur site!!What if Poppy seeds arn't available. Will there be any difference in the taste.

13 years ago

@ Dave G

thanks for that edited it to reflect the changes… sry for the confusion

Dave G
Dave G
13 years ago

The recipe clearly says "add the above with 4 flakes of garlic" which does equal 8 ??

14 years ago

Hey haven't tried any of your recipes yet.But reading all the feedback's and replies make me want to try your recipes and im surely going to do that and let you know how it was till then bye God Bless.

14 years ago

Thanks for the loads of trouble taken to put up such a beautiful page, the recipes are really, really good !

14 years ago

hey. love your site. tried cafreal, vindaloo and now meat curry. turned out great. just wanted to see if i could do away with the poppy seeds or replace it with something else. again. great job. love your recipes and the pictures are really helpful.

14 years ago

Hi Clyde,

I am no chef or a good cook but would like to give it a shot hence would like to know the above 'sorpatel' recipe is targeted to serve how many individuals???

14 years ago

Yummy can't wait to cook this up! Thanks!

15 years ago

Its clearly mentioned that you need to add 4 flakes of Garlic!


15 years ago

Just wanted to check do we have to add 8 flakes of garlic in all.