Goan Tongue Roast / Ox Tongue Roast

Goan Tongue Roast / Ox Tongue Roast

I’m trying to get the recipes out as fast as possible, I have my hands full with more than I can imagine at the moment. For those of you who don’t, do follow our facebook page to get a lot of other information and cooking tips and tricks.

One of the most delicious goan delicacies is the ox tongue, not just the flavour, but the texture and feel of the meat as well leaves one craving for more. The goan tongue roast definitely is in my books for any occasion or just for a family treat, go ahead and enjoy the goodness of this dish!

Tongue Roast Masala Ingredients:

tongue roast masala

1 Onion of Garlic
1 1/2 Inch Ginger
8 – 10 Peppercorns
6 – 8 Cloves
2 Inch Piece Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Turmeric Powder
1 Teaspoon Cumin Seeds

Tongue Roast Main Ingredients:

ox tongue

1 Tongue
2 Table Spoons Vinegar or 1 Sour lime

While frying –

2-3 Broken Red Chillies
Half cut onion
2 Teaspoons Sugar to be Caramalised


Clean the tongue, salt it and keep it aside

salt tongue and keep aside

Grind all the masala ingredients shown above, you don’t need to do it in a pounder, we had no electricity at that time so hand ground the tongue roast masala.

roast masala ingredients

pound the tongue roast spices

Now that your masala is ground, time to spice up that tongue.

ready roast masala

Apply some vinegar on the tongue and then get ready to rub in the masala.

add vinegar to the tongue

Apply the masala evenly on the tongue, don’t forget to turn it over and rub the masala onto the other side as well and now its patience.

rub masala on the tongue

We want the masala to get into the meat so we need to set it aside for 4 to 5 hours with a weight on it.

store with weight

After the marination is done and your ready to cook the tongue, heat some oil in a pressure cooker.

heat oil in the cooker

Add the sugar to it and wait till it caramelizes.

add sugar to the oil

Once the sugar is caramelized, add the tongue.

when sugar caramilizes add the tongue

Add the broken chillies and continue to fry.

add chillies

Then add the onions and continue to fry.

add onions

Turn the tongue over till both sides are fried.

turn the tongues

Then add two glasses of water with any remaining masala

Then pressure cook for 45 minutes, post that open the pressure cooker.

open pressure cooker

Slice the tongue and then cook it again in the gravy

slice the tongues

If there is extra water then boil it down,

cook in gravy

Post that your tongue should be ready 🙂 This is as you will soon discover a delicacy, mouth watering and definitely loved by anyone who is willing to eat it. If you like our recipes, be kind enough to help spread and share them this motivates us to do more 🙂

goan tongue roast

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Gasdy Fernandes e Ferrao

Do you have the recipe of the garlic tongue fry ???

9 years ago

There is a muscle in the tongue that runs from the base to the tip. One needs to search for it by cutting the base, it is tough slippery filament, with a cloth hold it firmly and pull out the muscle. The tongue turns out more tender with this muscle out if the way

9 years ago

what too do if tongue isnt already peeled?

bharat kapoor
10 years ago

the beef tongue is cleaned already… in the recipe but if we boil and peel it will be cooked already

10 years ago

We love tongue but had never tried it at home… so I was a little apprehensive but it turned out delicious, my whole family enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing this great recipe and hope to see more 🙂


11 years ago

boil it and then skin it 🙂

11 years ago

The easiest way is to boil it and then pull out the skin.

6 years ago
Reply to  Clyde

How long to boil? Anything to be added while boiling it..

serfaia soares
serfaia soares
11 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us, I just cant help but keep making it again and again and it is soooo very yum.

Zack Desa
11 years ago

It looks amazing…
Please Post some more Beef Recipies..

11 years ago

I would like to try this recipe. Can you tell me what is the easiest way to clean the tongue ? My butcher here does not clean the tongue.


11 years ago

Thank you Clyde for the efforts. The detailed process is excellent form of support in attempting the recipe.

11 years ago

Tried it for the first time… turned out well for a starter in cooking…. great instructions.. keep it going…

11 years ago

recipe sounds looks yummmmmmy. cant wait to try out. Can i use the same recipe for Beef Roast.
Also dying to get authentic recipe for Beef Chilly Fry, like they serve in Goan Restaurants.
Really appreciate if you could post it soon.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Your recipes remind me of my nana! Your nana’ sister 🙂 I made the beef olives and that was exactly like nana’s when I was growing up. I can’t wait to make the ox tongue!

4 years ago
Reply to  Celia

Hi Celia,
What are beef olives?

3 years ago
Reply to  Rosemary

Well the recipe is on the website 🙂

11 years ago

sounds delicious but how do you clean the tongue?

Pearl P
Pearl P
11 years ago


Drooling, fond memories of eating this in Mumbai. I am based in UK now and was thinking of using beef meat for the above recipe, since I can't find the meat used above. Do you think it would work? If yes, how much meant (in kg/lb) would be required for the above? Thanks so much.


11 years ago

Please keep the recipes coming. They are EXCELLENT!!!!!
J Correa

Janet Pinto
Janet Pinto
8 years ago

Hi Clyde,

are you still there. I l relish your recipes. But even better, I love your Spirit.

Ingrid Dias
Ingrid Dias
8 years ago

Excellent recipe.. The tongue turned out delicious.. Thanks for sharing your recipe.. I remember last year I tried out your Mazipan recipe.. It was awesome but couldn’t find it this year.. Pls share if possible. Thanks n Merry Christmas to you and your family 🙂

7 years ago

Tried came out nice place post recipe for salted tongue. Tks

Elizabeth Gomes
Elizabeth Gomes
7 years ago

Just want to share a tip for skinning the tongue. If you buy a fresh tongue all you need to do is dip it in boiling water for 10 minutes then begin the peel the tongue. The front the peels so easily. With the back part you can scrape with a knife and it comes out very easily. Wash and then follow Lisette”s awesome recipie above. If it a frozen tongue then you will have to thaw and boil for 20 minutes.and it will peel. The tongue is still uncooked. Learnt this from my MIL and I have never boiled a tongue for 40 years. I always clean the tongue from fresh and cook it the same day or freeze for a rainy day

7 years ago

Thank you Clyde for sharing these lovely traditional goan recipes.. It taste awesome

7 years ago

yummy! we all enjoyed it very much.

6 years ago


i am a mangalorean and love to try all goan receipes.
Your receipes are too good.

Rohini Malhotra
Rohini Malhotra
6 years ago

Hi!! Made your tongue roast recipe. It came out very well. Served it with creamy potato mash.

Thanks a ton!!

Christine Dias
Christine Dias
6 years ago

Made this. It turned out simply awesome!!!!! Ate 5 pieces straight from the cooker.
Thank you sooooo much.
Going to look for other recipes posted by you.

Hazel Noronha
Hazel Noronha
6 years ago

The tongue roast looks yummy. Have been trying a lot of your other recipes and they have turned out awesome as well. Thanks for all the efforts in putting together these recipes. Really handy for people like me who are working and wonder what to prepare and where to begin each day.

Royston D'Souza
Royston D'Souza
6 years ago

This is simply an awesome dish, very well documented and easy steps to follow. I have made it number of times now, and it’s yummy as all the other recepies. Thank you.

Lidwin Fernandes
Lidwin Fernandes
5 years ago

To cook four tongues in a pressure cooker how long do I cook them. Is it for 45 mins or more??

5 years ago

I made this recipe and i must say it was simply scrrrrumptious! Family loved it. So i have saved the recipe so i can keep making it. Its so simple to make this but the end result is mouthwatering. Thanks.

5 years ago

I made this recipe and i must say it was simply scrrrrumptious! Family loved it. So i have saved the recipe so i can keep making it. Its so simple to make this but the end result is mouthwatering. Thanks.

4 years ago

Thanlk yoi much appreciated .God Bless.

Jaime de Sousa
Jaime de Sousa
4 years ago

Thanks Nice recipe…..!

Francis Pereira
Francis Pereira
4 years ago

Fantastic recipe

4 years ago

This is such a great recipe! I have made it several times without changing anything – it’s perfect as it is! If your tongue is not peeled the easiest way is to keep it semi frozen and use a VERY sharp vegetable peeler. That way you don’t need to cook it first. Cleaning the tongue is the hardest part of this fantastic recipe.

Florence Fernandes
Florence Fernandes
4 years ago

You can’t go wrong with this recipe….already tried it 4 times and it turned out great every single time. Thank you for this lovely recipe.

3 years ago

Haha thanks for that, I really enjoy this stuff but sadly now it’s really difficult to get good meats like these in India…