Recheado Masala

Recheado Masala

So finally we have the Raechad Masala recipe, with two versions, one is our own and the other shared by Roselyn who states this is the Salcete version of Raechad. Now ours turns out to be a bright red colour while the latter a orangy colour.

Let us know which one appeals more to your taste buds.

Our Recheado Masala Ingredients:

Raechad masala ingredients

50 Kashmiri Chillies
100 Grams Garlic
15 Grams Cloves
50 Grams Haldi
1 Heaped Teaspoon Jeera
1 Heaped Teaspoon Mustard
1 Heaped Teaspoon Black Pepper
A Small Ball of Tamarind
5 Inch Piece of Ginger
A Pinch of Sugar
A Pinch of Methi

All the above has to be ground in Vinegar, the result is this bright red Recheado masala.

Our Recheado masala

Salcete Recheado Masala Ingredients:

Everest Kashmirilal Chilli Powder – 6 Tablespoons
2 Teaspoons Haldi Powder
4 Teaspoons Jeera Powder
2 Teaspoons Cloves
2 Teaspoons Pepper
Two 4 Inch Cinnamon
A Ball of Tamarind
1 Big Teaspoon Salt
2 Onions of Garlic
4 Inch piece of Ginger
3 – 4 Tablespoons of Sugar
2 Teaspoons Mustard

Again all the ingredients have to be ground in vinegar 🙂

salcete raecha masala

As you may know the Recheado masala is the perfect complement for a fish fry, especially a Mackeral. Slice the mackeral on both sides along the body and put in as much masala, leave it in for a little while and fry. You could also apply the masala on the outside. Don’t forget to let us know which version on the Rechad you liked 🙂

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9 years ago

the recipe with 50 kashmiri chillies is obviously for bulk recipe. You'll kill yourself adding 50 chillies and 100 gms garlic for 4 mackerels. Adjust accordingly. @dagoda…try 2-3 tablespoons for 5-6 mackerels. Should be enough.

Sharna Taylor
9 years ago

how much vinegar please?

6 years ago
Reply to  Sharna Taylor

Start with 1/4 cup and keep increasing to make a thick paste….

9 years ago

Do surely try this with chicken. Marinate chicken breast with salt and rechado masala and sprinkle kassuri methi leaves crushed (optional) smells n tastes amaaaazing. Do try post Easter n let me know.

10 years ago

How much of Recheado paste for kg of fish please?


Can we use this masala for chicken? Has anyone tried?

Sandeep Dsouza
10 years ago

Can Anyone please tell me the bardez style?

11 years ago

Hi Clyde, I was on holiday in Goa , and i believe it was Britto's . I remember ordering Masala Crab, and i am sure it was cooked in recheado base.
If , by any luck, you have the recpe for masala crab cooked in recheado masala, could you please share?

11 years ago

I sometimes add allspice to my rechado – is this a rather mad idea?

How long can these pastes be kept if refridgerated?

9 months ago
Reply to  Chris

You can freeze the masala for 6 months

11 years ago

Hi Clyde, I am from Bardez, my husband from salcette, I tried both recipes, I prefer the Bardez one, actually we all do. the colour also gets affected by the chillies, if you use whole chillies, you get a better colour, I found that out by experimenting. Thanks for the recipe. Louise

ramia krishna
11 years ago

i m a mangalorean, n ur recipe is bright n looks good, wil try it in wht quantity do u use vinegar?

11 years ago

Hi Clyde! Thanks for the recipe. For how long can this paste be stored/refrigerated?

12 years ago

Hi Eurika,

There was a Typo in there, Sfar was actually suppose to be Sugar 😉


I have'nt a clue, you can add more until you get the red color, that should be easier!


12 years ago

I had been waiting for this recipe for a long time . Thanks a ton!
I have heard of a version where fried onion is added to the masala. Does that help?

5 years ago
Reply to  Preeti

Yes. Also some tomato paste. I have tried making it without the onions…. the one with onions is what my mother used to use. It comes out great. USE ONIONS

12 years ago

Thanks for this recipe. In your Bardez recipe if I want to use Everest Kashmiri chili powder instead of whole chillies, how much should I use for 50 Kashmiri chillies?



Eurika Gomes
Eurika Gomes
12 years ago

Please let me know what is Sfar in the Salcette version of the masala
Eurika Gomes

h Abbas
8 years ago

is reachado masala available in any stores in dubai please reply

Dr Varsha Kamat
Dr Varsha Kamat
8 years ago

Methi and mustard is a big No No in Goan recheado masala, onions is a must. Add green elaichi but of course it’s optional!!!!

8 years ago

can this masala be used with beef and chicken ? if yes how? can coconut milk be added to this to mars a tasty curry?

8 years ago

can this masala be used with beef and chicken ? if yes how? can coconut milk be added to this to mars a tasty curry?

Ved Moola
Ved Moola
7 years ago

Hi Clyde.. Appreciate it effort..Love cooking and quite often Goan dishes..How long would these paste’s stay if refrigerated.

Athey Dsouza
Athey Dsouza
7 years ago

Thanks Cyde..!! Being outside the country and when you miss home food. Your recipes really helps every Goan settled outside of Goa.


Sandra Braganza
Sandra Braganza
7 years ago

Hi Clyde, first of all – thanks a ton for publishing such authentic Goan recipes, this brings back loads of memories from my childhood and especially my grandmother who was an awesome cook. I miss her like crazy now.

A humble request, can you please post a recipe of Para (Dried Mackerel Pickle), Tendli Pickle and Bombil (Bombay Duck) Pickle?

Am ardently looking forward to these.

Many thanks in advance. 🙂

7 years ago

Clyde can you put these fantastic recipes in a book form.Maybe a print edition.I will buy 10 copies for family and friends.This Christmas gifts.

Ivy Mendes
7 years ago

Hi Clyde! Your recipes are all good! Thanks for making it possible for us to have authentic Goan food. If you email recipes then I would like to be on your mailing list. God bless.

6 years ago

Hi Clyde,

Love your recipes. This may be a stupid question, but is this masala used by both the Hindu and Catholic Goans? Or is this principally a Christian dish?

6 years ago

Have being lived in Goa for about 6 years ..I always craved for recheado masala fish fry ..tried a few online recipes & chances upon this one today …so happy I did !! This recipe is just perfect !!! Loved it !!! The recipe is saved & printed ..btw I tried the second one !

Leena Bose
Leena Bose
4 years ago

I prefer making most of the goan recipies from what you post here. It will be great if you can share a recipie on pinaca. I have tried several but never tastes like the ones we get in the goan local market.

Velancio Fernandes
Velancio Fernandes
4 years ago

Great recipes