Feijoada : Red Beans with Pork

Feijoada : Red Beans with Pork

feijoada masala ingredients
Feijoada is famous enough to have a wiki entry that states, Feijoada is a stew of beans with beef and pork, which is a typical Portuguese dish, also typical in Brazil, Angola and other former Portuguese colonies.

So yet again we have a Goan delicacy that has been handed down to us from the Portuguese, lets cook up some Goan Feijoada.

If you recollect that we had put up a simple recipe called Salted Pork up earlier. Our Feijoada utilizes the salted pork before its ready, so basically you can have two dishes on your table when you make Feijoada. The other option is to use goa sausages and beans to make an even easier Feijoada.

Feijoada Masala Ingredients:

4 – 6 Kashmiri Chillies
4 Tables Spoons Coconut
1/2 Teaspoon Jeera
1/4 Teaspoon Methi Seeds
1 Table spoons Coriander Seeds
4 – 5 Flakes Garlic
2 Leveled Teaspoons Poppy Seeds or Khus Khus
4 – 5 Pepper Corns
4 – 5 Cloves
Small Ball of Tamarind

Feijoada Main Ingredients:

250 Grams Red Beans (Osanay from Goa, the beans have to be soaked overnight)

Ingredients used for Salted Pork:

500 Grams Pork
2 Onions
4 Kashmiri Chillies
4 Kokam can be cut into tiny pieces

Firstly go to through the Salted Pork recipe and cook it till the pork looks like what it is in the picture below and then keep it aside.
semi cooked salted pork
Here are the Osanay (pronounced as Osahndeh) beans, soaked overnight.
soak osanay red beans in water overnight
Let’s just drain out the water and rinse the beans thoroughly.
rinse the beans
Add the beans to your pressure cooker.
add beans to the pressure cooker
Add less water here if you plan on using coconut milk, if your adding water can add a little extra but remember your pressure cookers limitation.
add water and salt to the beans
Add salt to taste, this can be as per your need but not much you have plenty of time later.

Set your cooker on the fire, get on your pan and begin to fry the Feijoada spices to make the masala. Remember when you are frying, start with one ingredient at a time, put the oil first then the chillies and then the next and so on, you can skip the tamarind and garlic.
fry feijoada spices
When thats done, add a spot of water and put it in a blender. Your beans should be done and you have your masala ready as well.
open the lid and let the beans cool
You can add the fejioada masala to the beans in a vessel your going to cook in.
add feijoada masala to the beans
In the next step you can add coconut milk instead of water to give it an even richer taste, we added water as the feijoada masala has coconut in it as well.
add water or coconut milk
Now its time to add the salted pork, this is when you remove it, before it turns reddish brown due to the kokam and heat.
add salted pork to the feijoada
Mix the pork pieces, in the curry, make sure you don’t put the Kokams in the feijoada curry.
mix the pork pieces in the curry
Bring the Feijoada to a boil and let it simmer till done.
bring the feijoada to boil
Check the meat pieces and add salt to taste, enjoy your feijoada with rice or pois!
ready to eat feijoada

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11 years ago

I am going to be in Goa this December…can I get a quick crash course in cooking goan dish please…you can call a course and I am sure you will have people lined up…let me know I will be there…charlie

11 years ago

Thanks Agnel 🙂

11 years ago

more than welcome Michelle, this is why we do it 🙂

11 years ago

thank you for the words and feedback its much appreciated.

This started out as a personal log for me but i guess its good for everyone 😀

Michelle Coelho do Rosario
Michelle Coelho do Rosario
13 years ago

Thanks for all your trouble..I am a Goan living in the US. I want my 4 kids to appreciate what a rich cuisine (and culture) we have. Thanks to you, I can strive towards that goal.

Agnel Rodricks
Agnel Rodricks
13 years ago

Feijzuada is classically a Portuguese dish and is made with pork meats and brown or black beans(Brazil).'Ausane' or goan beige beans are a Goan version of it.The closest I got to seeing the real thing was at Mandovi. Your version is more "Goany" and thats good. Thanks for having the site.Agnel Rodricks (NY)

13 years ago

I have been cooking Goan food for almost 35 + years now. I am not a Goan, but married one. My dear husband is like any other decent, food loving Goan.
So I had to learn all those wonderful dishes from scratch and get into his heart through his stomach.
Over the years, I had scouted for good food books, blogs. I would like to say that , this is the first time I had come across an authentic, Bardez style, detailed recipe blog!

I really appreciate the trouble you had taken to write and illustrate these pages. Do keep up with your good work, to enable all those young Goans to benefit from your tasty recipes.

13 years ago

@ jocelyn

thanks and i made the change to reflect the amount of chillies 🙂

13 years ago

Recipe is good but for one thing the feijaoda masala ingredients does not give the no. of red chillies to be put for the masala. KIndly clarify. J.D'Sozua

The Privy Lotus
13 years ago

Thanks for this version. Very impressive though I was under the impression that it could be made with Goa Sausages instead of pork pieces.

Hazel Rodrigues
Hazel Rodrigues
13 years ago

Very informative site and nice to see the step to step direction. Will it be possible to print a friendly print version of the recipes?. In future will there be a rcipe book published.


7 years ago

Hi, I have seen your recepi of feijuada with pork, can I add vinegar and tamarind together, and will it taste like xavuti, coz the masala are roasted.pls give me some brief ideas and how to garnish this dish.

6 years ago

I learnt cooking because my wife insisted on a weekly holiday. To dish up traditional dishes, I was at sea. Your blog gave me the confidence to conjure heavenly pork. Now my children insist that I cook pork frequently. Thank you for your simple and self explanatory photos. I now share your site with friends. Keep going.